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  • Pioneering carbon-based nanoelectronics
    Researchers at PEKING UNIVERSITY have developed technology to build smaller and more efficient integrated circuits with carbon nanotubes, opening the door to a future beyond silicon chips.It is globally recognized that Moore’s law, the golden rule that has allowed the semiconductor industry to cram ever more silicon transistors on to chips, is running out of steam. A technique based on carbon ...
  • PKU Will Host the 42nd International Final of ACM-ICPC in 2018
    Peking University, June 15, 2017: The 41st international final of ACM-ICPC (ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest) was held in Rapid City, the United States during May 20th to 25th, 2017.Peking University delegation awarded silver prize in the finalLuo Guojie won Coach AwardPeking University delegation during the contestThe international final of ACM-ICPCLuo Guojie, the coach and als...
  • Machine Perception Research on Methodology and Application
    Peking University team work extensively in the research area of Machine perception and made major breakthrough in the visual and speech perception.1) Auditory Perception. On research emphasis of speech perception is to process speech in complex scene. Binaural processing in complex scene. Listeners can achieve significant benefit from binaural hearing when sound sources are spatially separated,...
  • Probe Machine and Graph Theory
    Computer is conceptually a general-purpose device that is built upon a computing model, and manufactured by certain materials that can be used to implement the specific computing model. For instance, today’s electronic computer is conceptualized by Turing machine (TM) and composed of electronic components. Although the phenomenal growth of TM-based computing devices (e.g., electronic computer)...
  • Big Data Management and Analytics
    For the past three decades, classical database management systems have maintained a feverish pace in realizing significant efficiencies in dealing with the vast amount of information that needs to be maintained to model the operational characteristics of large-scale enterprises. In the intervening years especially in the 1990s, data warehousing and data analysis emerged as a major research and ...
  • 2nd call of 2017 NII International Internship Program
    National Institute of Informatics (NII) has announced the launch of the NII International Internship Program as per the guidelines.This program is a part of NII's international exchange...
  • NTU EECS Exchange Program (2018 Spring)
    College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Taiwan University (NTU EECS) has announced that they’re accepting the application of 2018 Spring’s exchange program. 2018 Spring semest...
  • Internetware and Its Supporting Systems
    The fast and widely developed Internet has established an open, dynamic, and ever-changing environment for software applications. Compared to traditional software applications running on desktop environment, the Internet-based software applications have various specific features, such as the distribution and decentralization of control, the diversity of network connections, the openness and cha...
  • Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulation
    The concept of quantum simulations was proposed by physicist Richard Phillips Feynman in 1981, and quantum simulations become possible by manipulated ultracold atoms. In 1995, Bose-Einstein condensation was realized and degenerate fermi gas in 1999. The first BEC-BCS Crossover quantum simulation experiment was carried out in 2003 by using the Fermi Gas. In 1998, Austrian scientist Peter Zoller ...
  • Micro/nanofabrication and Integration Technologies
    Microfabrication and integration technologies are fundamental supporting technologies to the novel micro/nanoscale electronic device and the micro/nano-electro-mechanical system (M/NEMS), which drive the development of microelectronics and M/NEMS. In the past several years, we focused on the silicon-based micro/nanofabrication and integration technologies and explored new processes for a variet...